Day 6: Ghami to Charang

Altitude: 3560m

Trek Time: 4 hours

After a good night's rest at Ghami and breakfast, you shall head out to Charang. We advise you to walk cautiously. The trail is very rough and slippery right before the descent of Ghami Khola. During the hike, your hall comes across mani walls. Next up, you shall cross the Charang La pass at 3870m. You shall witness the majestic Charang Chu canyon during your journey. Atop it lies the beautiful village of Charang. The highlight of this village is its ancient fortress and red gompa (monastery) towards its east. As the trek time is approximately 4-5 hours, you shall have plenty of time to explore the village after lunch.

Day 7: Charang to Lo Manthang

Altitude: 3770m

Trek Time: 5 hours

The next day after breakfast, you shall make your descent down the canyon. You need to cross a river and ascend the Lo La pass at 3950m. At the end of the pass, you shall be greeted with your first view of the historic village of Lo Manthang.

This village historically was the capital of the Kingdom of Lo and is home to the royal palace of its king. Unlike the previous hamlets, you shall see a lot of Buddhist elements. The surrounding peaks of Nilgiri, Tilicho, Annapurna and Bhrikuti Peak liven up the vibe of this ancient setting.

Day 8: Outing to Chhoser Cave

Trek Time: 6 hours

This day is fully dedicated to exploring the Chhoser Caves. Also known as sky caves, these are ancient dwelling spaces dug into the side of valleys. These caves are 155 feet or more from the ground. They are thought to be more than 1000 years old. The purpose, origin and creator of these caves are still unknown.

The cave society is equipped with burial chambers, monasteries, hidden rooms and living quarters. Researchers assume native inhabitants built these caves to escape predators and dacoits.

Day 9: Lo Manthang to Dhakmar

Altitude: 3800m

Trek Time: 7 hours

The trek to Dhakmar is more challenging than previous legs, but it features beautiful sights and sounds. En route, you should stop at Gyakar Village. It is home to the ancient Ghar Gompa. This monastery is home to some of the most exquisite rock paintings in the region. A tradition in this region is you must make a wish. Stange right? Once your prayers and wishes are conveyed, you head towards Dhakmar.

Day 10: Dhakmar to Ghiling

Altitude: 3860m

Trek Time: 6 hours

The trek to Dhakmar is more challenging than previous legs, but it features beautiful sights and sounds. En route, you should stop at Gyakar Village. It is home to the ancient Ghar Gompa. This monastery is home to some of the most exquisite rock paintings in the region. A tradition in this region is you must make a wish. Stange right? Once your prayers and wishes are conveyed, you head towards Dhakmar.

After a splendid night at Dhakmar, you are requested to hit the trail early as the winds are powerful in this part of the trail. You shall cross a dry plateau and notice patches of agricultural fields along the road to Ghiling. The winds are a nuisance, but the views of Dhaulagiri and Nilgiri are worth the difficulty.

Day 11: Ghiling to Chuksang

Altitude: 3050m

Trek Time: 6 hours

This leg of the trek is perfect for understanding the lifestyle of this region because you pass through numerous villages. You can engage with the locals and make cherishable memories.

Day 12: Chuksang to Jomsom

Altitude: 2715m

Trek Time: 5 hours

This is the last leg of your trek in the Upper Mustang. The whole you approach Jomsom, you are officially exiting the restricted region. Your lunch stop for the day is at Kagbeni. As the total trek time is an average of five hours, it gives you enough time to veer a bit off course and explore. Once you arrive at Jomsom, please don't forget to grab a few souvenirs and confirm your flight to Pokhara.

Day 13: Flight from Jomsom to Pokhara

Flight Time: 15 minutes

This is your last night in the beautiful high region of Nepal. Before boarding your flight, don't forget to get one last glimpse of the beautiful scenes around you. Once you arrive in Pokhara, please relax and hit your favourite eateries and bars. Upper Mustang is a challenge, and you've done it.